Thursday 20 October 2016

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sounds

Diegetic sound is the sound that is 'In Universe' and can be heard by the actors. It is usually dialogue, the sound of props being used, the scene or instruments being played by the performers on screen.
Oxford Dictoinary define Diegetic sound as such-
'In filmaking the term is used to name the stoyr depicted on screen, as opposed to the story in real time that the screen narrative is about. Diegesis may concern elements, such as characters, events within the main primary narrative'
Diegetic sound is mostly used to forward a certain narrative in their intros- as the two videos below show.

Non-Diegetic Sound

Is any noise that the performers can't hear, unless it is a performance section of a music video whenever musical instruments play and a performer sings but it can't be seen in the video (the characters 'in universe' can't hear it)
Here is an example of Non- Diegetic sound, all of the video is dubbed over by the soundtrack and performers singing ad when never actually see the source of the music.

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Intertextuality in Music Videos

Intertextuality in music videos is the merge between the conventions of TV shows and cinema and applying the same techniques to the music industry. 
Many music videos borrow from cinema as a starting point using the same methods of story telling. 
Now music videos have become so mainstream they are now able to experiment more with narrative and cinematic style.

Taylor Swift's 'You Belong with Me' is a wonderful example of how a music video can tell a meaningful and emotion filled narrative within the span of a single song. We see how it uses intertextuality to refer to classic and familiar love story teen movies in a condensed but meaningful music video.

Some directors have actually made their name originally directing music videos before moving onto film. 
  • David Fincher
  • Spike Jonze
  • Michael Gondry

Jack Black's Tenacious D is a funny but clever music video as it is a homage to all the old classic rock n' roll stars and their music. It puts an excellent twist on the classic Hollywood rock and roll portrayals.

The video consists of two separate narratives- a linear narrative with Jack Black and his friend enter a booth to record their song and a secondary broken non-linear narrative as they make their way on an abandoned road where the Devil appears to them and they have to perform for their lives. The secondary narrative purposefully nods back to old green screen effects as they make fun of classic Hollywood tropes.
Finally the two narratives link together at the ending of the song as we find out that the old lady is actually the devil in disguise.
This homage to old Hollywood and rock n' roll clichés is a great example of how intertextuality is used.  

Performance and Narrative


Performance is where in the music video it consists of mainly the artists performing. 
Beyonce's 'Love on Top' is a good example of this as it shows all the artists continuously performing their dance or song routine with no narrative or secondary scenes. (It is similar to the pre- A ha music videos in this aspect)
Instead of narrative it purely focuses on the performing aspect.
It's not that popular as audience's would not be able to engage with the song or video as well as there's no narrative to invest in.


A Narrative music video follows a story line. The two types of story narratives that can be in a music video are Linear and Non-Linear.
A linear narrative follows a certain story where a Non-Linear doesn’t. Most modern music videos use both types of narratives, usually a Non-Linear narrative to represent an ambiguous dream sequence or thought process
Katty Perry’s ‘Thinking of You’ is an example of a linear narrative with a story from beginning to end.

Monday 10 October 2016

Bound 2 Kanye West & Kim Kardashian

Bound 2: Editing & Manipulation of Video

Image result for bound 2 gif
Bound 2 is a music video by Kanye West featuring Kim Kardashian. It was heavily criticised for it's obvious use of special effects.

Shot types & Angles:

All the shots of Kim Kardashian are either shot above the waste line or an extremely obscured silliwet- this is because she had recently given birth and her figure hasn't returned to her usual shape and due to the leaking of pop music conventions the media would had disapproved her figure. 
Image result for bound 2 gif


There was alot of harsh criticism and accusation that accused Kanye West of digitally slimming Kim Kardashian down- attempting to keep to the convention of having a slim, attractive and provocatively dressed women on screen to capture the male gaze.
They also used a green screen in the background to then later put in the special effects giving the illusion they're traveling across wide open deserts.
They also sat on a mechanical motorcycle frame attached on a treadmill like device to simulate the motion of a traveling vehicle.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Goodwin's Theory

Essentially Goodwin's theory is that the narrative of a music video matches the tonne and theme of the lyrics. Conventional music videos follow this pattern where as Unconventional videos' narratives don't link to the tone or themes of the lyrics being sung.

There are six aspects that his theory discuses:

  1. Musics videos demonstrate similar genre characteristics
  2. Relationship between the lyrics and the visuals
  3. Relationship between the music and the visuals
  4. The demands of the record lable will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist, and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (a visual style)
  5. There is frequent reference to the notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc.) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
  6. There is often intertexuality refrence (to films, TV programs, other music videos, etc.)

Conventional Example

Taylor Swift's 'I knew You Where Trouble' video is an example of a conventional music video as it's clear in both her lyrics and story that the message is of self empowerment. The stereotype of an slim, young and attractive female is upheld here and the lyrics of a heart breaking relationship is well dramatized in the video.  

Unconventional Example

Robbie Williams' 'You Know Me' is a good example of unconventional music video as the lyrics seem completely removed from the narrative. Williams purposefully disrupts the traditional conventions in his dream sequence narrative.