Thursday 20 October 2016

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sounds

Diegetic sound is the sound that is 'In Universe' and can be heard by the actors. It is usually dialogue, the sound of props being used, the scene or instruments being played by the performers on screen.
Oxford Dictoinary define Diegetic sound as such-
'In filmaking the term is used to name the stoyr depicted on screen, as opposed to the story in real time that the screen narrative is about. Diegesis may concern elements, such as characters, events within the main primary narrative'
Diegetic sound is mostly used to forward a certain narrative in their intros- as the two videos below show.

Non-Diegetic Sound

Is any noise that the performers can't hear, unless it is a performance section of a music video whenever musical instruments play and a performer sings but it can't be seen in the video (the characters 'in universe' can't hear it)
Here is an example of Non- Diegetic sound, all of the video is dubbed over by the soundtrack and performers singing ad when never actually see the source of the music.

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