Thursday 15 September 2016

Notes on Music Genre Research: Rock

Image result for rock music

Rock music originated in the USA in the 1950's, and grew in popularity and range of styles
It's roots came from 'Rock and Roll' and heavily influenced by rhythm, blues and country music and also incorporated several conventions from jazz and classical, before defining itself as its own genre.
Early forms of rock and roll groups where found in the mid to late 50's- 60's (E.g. Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins and Jonny Burnette.

Rock features heavy sounding instruments and is very techno based.
The focus is more on the ability of the performers than any narrative a video would have, and features band footage more frequently than other genres.
Image result for rock music gif

Mise en Scene
- Typically aggressive or emotional lyrics and imagery
- Dark, interior lighting
- Male dominated industry
- Regular, everyday outfits, not to distract the audience from the music
- Typically indoors
- More performance based rather than narrative

- Tenacious D
- Coldplay
- Green Day
- The Beatles

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