Thursday 22 September 2016

Technical Works in Music Videos

Technical Terms

Camerawork (Angles and Shots)

  • Angels; perspective; moving; shot analysis; tracking
  • Feature many close ups to quicken the response of the viewer to connect with the performer.
  • Close, intimate shots can be good way to grow closer to the singer and in the case of classic love songs even try and attempt to make the viewers partially fall in love with the performer.
  • The massive rise of popularity in portable cameras meant that nearly anyone could be able to record a video and get their music video out efficiently
Below is an example of Taylor Swift's "You Belong with Me" where angles, tracking and use of close ups is these ideas put into practice.


  • Fast paced cutting is a very common convention in music videos today as they don't have time to build up interest so have to captivate the audience as quickly as possible by not lingering on a shot for longer than ten or so seconds.

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