Sunday 5 March 2017

Digi-pack Research

What is a Digi-pack?

Image result for digipak
A Digi-pack is a type of packaging for CDs or DVD's, normally with an outer packaging made from cardboard with the inner being made from plastic. They are normally used on special edition album releases. They reached major popularity in the early 2000's as artists started more commonly using them but have possibly seen a decline in popularity due to online platforms like you tube and I tunes that make it possible for artists to cheaply distribute their product to millions with little financial investment.
Above is a typical design for a Digi-pack, usually with the same measurements and layout.

Image result for pop digipakThe 'front' and 'back' panels are usually the main focus as folded up and packaged, they are the two sides a potential costumer will see. The inside panels are more stylized and decorative, while also giving us extra information that may have been to much to fit on the back like song lyrics.

Front Cover

This normally was an eye-catching illustration or picture relating to the songs within, embodying the mood and tone of the product.
The title of the song or album, followed by the name of the band or performer are also on the front too.

Image result for digipak front cover

Back Cover

The back usually has the track list, record label, a barcode and  extra information about copyright, ownership and trademark. 

Image result for digipak inside panels taylor swift

Inside Panels 

The inside panels, like mentioned before are deigned to immerse the consumer evermore into the song and tone of the pack. This is normally done with more artwork. And most importantly, if the pack is a single song release then the insides may contain the lyrics to the songs to broaden the content of the product, and to give the listeners the ability to follow along to their favorite new songs.

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