Sunday 2 April 2017

Evaluation: 2) How effective is the contribution of your main product and Ancillary Tasks?

For this discussion I decided to present it in a mockumentary style of video, and below I have listed my main points with the images to help emphasize them. 

I feel that my combination of my main product (my music video) and my ancillary texts (my magazine advert and Digi-pack), is extremely effective as they link in very well together in design and layout which will make then easily identifiable to my audience.

- In the poster I took several of the most iconic and well framed shots and photoshopped them together to create small sections in themselves and to help show how the music video travels threw many different time periods.

- I also used the background of the Victorian style bricks for my text and boarders as it's the opening and longest section we spend in the video, helping the audience have an idea of what to expect.

- I have also done the same with the Digi-pack, but I have used the different panels that feature the separate time periods, all in chronological order with the 1890's being the theme of the front and back cover, then the 1930's is the next one we open, then the 1950's and 70's until finally the Present Day is revealed to have the disc in.

- I chose to have the Victorian period be the front back cover as it is the main section, as mentioned before. And I made these all easily recognisable to the audience by using screenshots of the video itself, and using white coloured font in all my writing to imitate what we see in the video.

- Rather than go for a more abstract cover and poster like:

I wanted to give the audience a very clever way to recognise it as belonging to the video they've just seen.
-Anyone who has seen the video will be able to identify the Ancillary Tasks as related because of these reasons.

I think this this very successful as everyone I have asked has instantly recognise the imagery and the use of colour scheme, layout and how I have represented the different time periods.

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