Sunday 29 January 2017

Final Music Video: Cops & Robbers

Here is the final version of my video, with all editing, colour grading and sound effects completed.
This final version (V.9) is nearly identical to V.8, although we did: 
- Change a one or two dance moves around to better suit the flow
- Changed the font in the victorian section to appear less decayed
- Added a muzzle flash to the gun at the end of 1930
- And changed the Present Day font transition to 'Typewriter" to try and imitate a more modern text feel.

We are all very happy with the final product and all editing has been completed.
I hope you enjoy it!

Friday 27 January 2017

Editing: Version 8

Now that all of the filming is finally done, it's time to make some final touches to improve the quality of the video.

Victorian colour scheme was adjusted from the 'Combat' filter, and also had 'Cinematic bars' before the song begins to add mood, and looped 'industrial sound effects' to further improve the sense of atmosphere.
And we also added footstep sound effects as the Police Officer arrives.

We also added 'Sepia' colour adjustments to the 1930's along with a gunshot effect and muzzle flash.

In the 1950's we increased the saturation to make the scene feel more vibrant and colourful

For the green screen section we simply ran it threw the editing software removing all the screen on camera and replacing it with white. Here we have replaced several dance moves with some we re-filmed on Saturday.
And finally the Present Day section had a 'UK Emergency Services Police Serine' with a 'Spaceship' audio distortion.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Editing: Colour Grading

Now that all the filming and editing has been done, all that there's left to do is to alter the colouring of the video to add effect.
As you can see below, the biggest segments that I felt could be greatly improved by altering the colour were the 1890 and 1950 sections.

For the 1890 segment I think that, as shown above, a slightly darker and toned down colour scheme would greatly improve it's authenticity. The grey, gritty mood it now gives of, in my opinion, a more stereotypical 'olden day' feel that many of the classical Victorian films and images use to represent this time period.

Similarly, I feel like the up beat and happy tone the 1950's stereotypical is shown to have. In a contrast to the 1890 section, the bright colours defiantly distinguish it from any other period in my video and in my opinion captures the bright neon like scheme typically associated with this time.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Filming Day Overlook: Day 7- Green Screen Day

We started early in the morning, like most days around 9:00. We only needed half a dozen shots in Moreton. It was very cold and there was frost on the road when we arived on location. But luckily when we started to film most of it had begun to melt and couldn't be seen on camera.

I'm very glad that we went back to film more variations on opening shots. This section particularly is meant to be very hyper, active and aggressive. We have our protagonist reacting to the camera and shouting at it violently and squaring up to the audience. This type of fast cutting pace is very important for this section and I did feel the establishing shot was far to slow and drawn out
(As seen below)

But now by having me do more actions and cutting fast between several more interesting shots, we get a more exciting introduction to this section.

After our final shots in Moreton where finished we made our way back to my house to finish the re-shoots for the dance sequence.
This went very well, it only took a few hours to redo some of the choreography and plan which moves to replace with what and trying to work out the timing and length each of those dances would have to be.

The day went smoothly with no issues, we have finally finished all components of filming.

Today's Footage

0:00- 1890
1:32- 1930
1:55- 1950
2:28- 1970
3:46- Green Screen
4:17- Present Day

(And as mentioned before, due to the fact today was another set of re-shoots, there wasn't any particularly interesting to show you via Vlogs that wasn't the same as you've already seen.)

Wednesday 18 January 2017

1970's & Green Screen Re-Shoots

We have edited the green screen footage, as you have seen in yesterday's post, and I'm extremely happy with how it turned out.
But there are a few little issues that we think we could improve further including the lighting and choreography of the scene.
So this Saturday after we've all met up to film the intro to the 1970's segment, I've suggested returning back to my house much like last time and to try and improve these little imperfection.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Filming Day Overlook: Day 6- Green Screen Day

We started setting up for the Green Screen at Oliver's house before realising there wasn't much room for us to film that would be large enough. So I suggested my house as a place to film.
Although we bought a green screen for this section we didn't have the professional equipment like stands and supporting frames, so we had to tape it to the wall.

But when everything was set up I changed between the different outfits and filmed for each section.
It took a while to come up with period fitting moves and to execute them but in time we finished.

Accompanying the dance sequence, we also had a walking segment which we set up. I walked across the screen several dozen times in the different outfits trying to match the speed and positioning so as to try and make the transition as smooth as possible

Vlog: Filming Day 6- Behind the Scenes (Green Screen Day)

Today's Footage

0:00- 1890
1:32- 1930
1:55- 1950
2:28- 1970
3:46- Green Screen
4:17- Present Day

I think today went quite well, we covered everything we planned to do and despite the emergency location change everything fell into place and we ended up with a section that worked very well, however there where a few problems with lighting that during the editing stage we might need to look at.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Filming Day Overlook: Day 5- Moreton

Today we re-filmed a series of shots that we where still not entirely happy with. 
Although we had re-shoot scenes from 1970 before there where a few lip syncing issues I felt that where still a problem.

The 1970 has been a difficult section to film for several reasons like lip syncing, choreography and the type of character we're trying to convey has made it hard to film. 
But after spending today re-filming several shots, I think that we have been able to bring the quality of the 70's segment to equal status and possibly better than it's neighboring time periods.

Today's Footage

0:00- 1890
1:27- 1930
1:50- 1950
2:22- 1970

Unfortunately due to time restraints and scheduling we weren't able to re-film the intro to the 70's, which wasn't a priority and we considered possibly not concerning ourselves with tightening it up but I do think it is worth the time so some day in the future when we meet up for the green screen day, to also film a more interesting opening to this section rather than the rather slow and drawn out shots we have so far.

(Due to the fact today was purely a day of re-shoots, there wasn't anything new that I felt would be needed to show you via Vlogs, it was a ordinary shoot in the same locations as Day's 1 and 3)