Thursday 26 January 2017

Editing: Colour Grading

Now that all the filming and editing has been done, all that there's left to do is to alter the colouring of the video to add effect.
As you can see below, the biggest segments that I felt could be greatly improved by altering the colour were the 1890 and 1950 sections.

For the 1890 segment I think that, as shown above, a slightly darker and toned down colour scheme would greatly improve it's authenticity. The grey, gritty mood it now gives of, in my opinion, a more stereotypical 'olden day' feel that many of the classical Victorian films and images use to represent this time period.

Similarly, I feel like the up beat and happy tone the 1950's stereotypical is shown to have. In a contrast to the 1890 section, the bright colours defiantly distinguish it from any other period in my video and in my opinion captures the bright neon like scheme typically associated with this time.

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