Saturday 21 January 2017

Filming Day Overlook: Day 7- Green Screen Day

We started early in the morning, like most days around 9:00. We only needed half a dozen shots in Moreton. It was very cold and there was frost on the road when we arived on location. But luckily when we started to film most of it had begun to melt and couldn't be seen on camera.

I'm very glad that we went back to film more variations on opening shots. This section particularly is meant to be very hyper, active and aggressive. We have our protagonist reacting to the camera and shouting at it violently and squaring up to the audience. This type of fast cutting pace is very important for this section and I did feel the establishing shot was far to slow and drawn out
(As seen below)

But now by having me do more actions and cutting fast between several more interesting shots, we get a more exciting introduction to this section.

After our final shots in Moreton where finished we made our way back to my house to finish the re-shoots for the dance sequence.
This went very well, it only took a few hours to redo some of the choreography and plan which moves to replace with what and trying to work out the timing and length each of those dances would have to be.

The day went smoothly with no issues, we have finally finished all components of filming.

Today's Footage

0:00- 1890
1:32- 1930
1:55- 1950
2:28- 1970
3:46- Green Screen
4:17- Present Day

(And as mentioned before, due to the fact today was another set of re-shoots, there wasn't any particularly interesting to show you via Vlogs that wasn't the same as you've already seen.)

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