Friday 27 January 2017

Editing: Version 8

Now that all of the filming is finally done, it's time to make some final touches to improve the quality of the video.

Victorian colour scheme was adjusted from the 'Combat' filter, and also had 'Cinematic bars' before the song begins to add mood, and looped 'industrial sound effects' to further improve the sense of atmosphere.
And we also added footstep sound effects as the Police Officer arrives.

We also added 'Sepia' colour adjustments to the 1930's along with a gunshot effect and muzzle flash.

In the 1950's we increased the saturation to make the scene feel more vibrant and colourful

For the green screen section we simply ran it threw the editing software removing all the screen on camera and replacing it with white. Here we have replaced several dance moves with some we re-filmed on Saturday.
And finally the Present Day section had a 'UK Emergency Services Police Serine' with a 'Spaceship' audio distortion.

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