Saturday 7 January 2017

Filming Day Overlook: Day 5- Moreton

Today we re-filmed a series of shots that we where still not entirely happy with. 
Although we had re-shoot scenes from 1970 before there where a few lip syncing issues I felt that where still a problem.

The 1970 has been a difficult section to film for several reasons like lip syncing, choreography and the type of character we're trying to convey has made it hard to film. 
But after spending today re-filming several shots, I think that we have been able to bring the quality of the 70's segment to equal status and possibly better than it's neighboring time periods.

Today's Footage

0:00- 1890
1:27- 1930
1:50- 1950
2:22- 1970

Unfortunately due to time restraints and scheduling we weren't able to re-film the intro to the 70's, which wasn't a priority and we considered possibly not concerning ourselves with tightening it up but I do think it is worth the time so some day in the future when we meet up for the green screen day, to also film a more interesting opening to this section rather than the rather slow and drawn out shots we have so far.

(Due to the fact today was purely a day of re-shoots, there wasn't anything new that I felt would be needed to show you via Vlogs, it was a ordinary shoot in the same locations as Day's 1 and 3)

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