Tuesday 29 November 2016

Planning for: Location

Here I'm going to be talking to you about the final agreed upon Locations for each time period.
(To give you a better idea of where the scenes will be filmed we used Google maps to show you where it is situated)
- In chronological order:


Liverpool Industrial Area

For the Victorian era we think that the old industrial buildings would be an ideal area. Liverpool has many old factory buildings (some that were even built in the actual Victorian times) so the bricked structure of the walls will look authentic and well aged as the clay red-brown has faded significantly. And this kind of background and red-brown bricks are often associated with Victorian times making it easily recognisable to the audience. As we've found out in my research into Pop music, they rely heavily on quickly reliable and recognisable archetypes.  So by playing to their expectations of what a 1890's scene would look like I think this location would be ideal. Not only that the area is usually pretty quiet and remote so we will be able to film without much disturbance.
Making it a great contender for our 1897 section.
So those are the advantages. But as you may probably be able to tell there are some modern day elements at the scene which wouldn't help the authenticity of the scene.
Below you can see in the black boxes of all of the modern day technology that would create a problem for us.

After some thought I have come to the conclusion that due to the modern technology on the sight that trying to shot around it may be an added and unnecessary complication. And I think the fact that this is right next to a main road so even though there wont be many people or cars around, they are more likely to be on this road, this inconvenience would slow us down and take longer to film.
However the image below is on Saltney Street and it is near to the first location and therefor has all the same benefits of the first idea but not being next to a main road means it will be even less busy, noisy and there are hardly any modern technology and the few ones it has will be easily shot around.



We felt like we didn't want all of our scenes just to take place outside, as many main stream Pop videos do contain some sort of indoor and outdoor sequence. I think that the 1937 section would best suit the indoors as unlike all the other criminal stereotypes, the mafia and mob boss culture in the media is often associated with the indoors. Originally I offered to have the scene shot at my house, there's plenty of room to house 4 people and film, it can be a quiet working space with little interruptions, but I quickly realised that it was to modern and would feel out of place.

So instead Oliver volunteered his own house. It is a more traditional house than mine with ideal wallpaper, making it feel like it could actually be from the 1930's. It also has the advantages of being as quiet and easy for all of us to get to.


 Port Sunlight Train Station

For the 1950's I think we need similar brickwork to the Victorian times but not nearly as
We will be using the train station at Port Sunlight for the '50s. The station still looks old, but unlike the rest of Port Sunlight it does not look so old as to be more suitable in an earlier time period. The only immediate problem is that there are likely to be cars parked outside and, even if we can get a shot with no cars in it, there may be cars reflected in the windows.



Sedgefield Road, Moreton, is a very ideal place to film our 70's section as the pale brown bricks and red fences and semi-detached council houses and storage sheds feel very in keeping with the era. The run down garage doors and brickwork, along with the alleyway (as you can see with these photos) I think really do capture what the audience's common perception of the decade.
It is a quite area and should make filming there an ease. And thanks to the alley we're able to encase ourselves very well within the time period and the claustrophobic nature matches the character's unstable mind state (another common association main stream audiences have with the stereotypical criminals of this time)

Present Day

Liverpool One

When thinking where we could film for our modern day era I tried to think of a place that was easily recognizable with modern day- so lots of integration with technology and modern architecture (metallic structures rather than any sort of brickwork- distinguishing it from the rest of the eras)
I also like the idea that this final sequence could be shot around night time or when the sun goes down. Being winter at the moment this happens at around about five o'clock so it won't be to impractical to organise. I think by shooting at night, especially in a well lit, 'Modern' area, the street lights will emphasize the technological advancements made from the last era.
I think This shot on-top of Liverpool one, and by Chavasse Park would be a great location to meet these requirements. It's also easy to get to, however, the fact that it is a popular area might make filming there a bit of a challenge so it's possible we should think of another location that'll be easier to film in.

The Liverpool Big Wheel

The Big Wheel, near the Albert Docks is another Possibility for the Modern Day section as it's a very familiar land mark and at night the area would be beautifully lighted. As said before Liverpool is easy for us to get to and although some people may be there it's nowhere as busy as Liverpool One. The signal shot we need for Modern day is a close up of the criminal in the hoody as he puts his hood up and walks away from the camera. If poisoned well we could have the wheel perfectly centre in the background adding to the shot.

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