Wednesday 2 November 2016

Representation of Age in Music Videos


Today age is a very quite and overlooked area in the media. Especially music videos. Where as with gender and race there are groups of people who want to openly discuss the two- dimensional representations of there denomination.

Because music, especially pop appeals to a younger audience so an accurate representation of a wide variety of ages just isn't in demand and due to the business of media, focuses on the young.

You would find it very hard to find old performers still in business besides classical music. There are some rare examples like Paul Simon but he is an exception from what is prodomently an absence of men in their 50's or above.
Women especially suffer from this. As previously disguised in 'Representation of Gender' the attractiveness of the women performing is nearly all that determines weather a good video becomes widespread and popular.
The notion that ' They're to old to be performing these days' Is an obstacle nearly none can overcome.

Image result for old music performers

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