Thursday 24 November 2016

Storyboard Concepts: Final Storyboard

Now that I drew up all of the possible storyboards, it was time to go into college and talk to the rest of my group which one we think we'd want to explore further.
It was a hard decision, like I said in the previous post all plots had advantages, but we felt like the journey through time was the most interesting and give many more opportunities to explore.

I personally think that this storyboard was my favourite even when creating the other two; it stands out as being quite a unique and interesting concept which is a little more complex than the other two but even without the hidden meaning behind the song, the audience will still be captivated by the nature of the different ages. But for those who do catch onto the inner message of the storyboard I think they'd be very intrigued at the idea of the 'Eternal relationship between criminals and law enforcers that has no end'.
This story has a very unique plot and will stand out to the audience, yes it's not as conventional with the tropes of some Pop videos (with more simplistic plots and characters), but that means it will stand out to the public more and that is exactly what up and coming low budgeted producers of videos like us need. And through the time periods we will be using very archetypical criminal characters from those decades, making them immediately recognisable to the common Pop song listener.

So after we decided that this would be the story we'd want to create we set off in collage planning out a more detailed storyboard and shot list.
This was done on Photoshop just for more practical reasons while in collage we brainstormed different ideas of what the protagonist could be doing in each scene.

In this weeks Vlog I'll go more in depth into the subtle changes that where made and new ideas that we came up with.

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