Saturday 19 November 2016

Filming Equipment: Cameras, Tripod & Dolly

For this production, I am planning to use the following equipment:

A Funjifilm Finepix S4700:
This is an extremely high quality camera that I intend to use as my primary filming camera.

A Nikon Coolpix P600:
A slightly less high quality camera but this will be my back up camera on set just incase anything happens and I need an immediate replacement, or if I am filming and I want a certain action filmed from two different angles simultaneously.
This camera can also be used for behind the scene footage.

A tripod and dolly:
I'll be using these for most shot types in the video such as tracking shots, establishing shots and static shots as the tripod allows for a stable and still frame and the dolly let's me keep the angle and positioning of the camera perfectly still while moving it accordingly.

Final Cut Pro X:
I plan to use this as the editing software to use for putting together my music video, it is easy for learners to use and processes fast so that it isn't prone to lag.

(Edit- 6th of December)

Green Screen:
A few months into planning my video I have decided to incorporate a green screen sequence.
More will be explained as time comes to it for the artist choices behind why I have decided to use this, but a green screen will let me change the background and add effects into the music video that I couldn't have previously.

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