Thursday 17 November 2016

Deciding on What Song to Perform: Cops and Robbers

We finally came to an agreement that we all felt was the best out of the possible considerations. Cops and Robbers, proposed by Oliver, is an upbeat, fast moving song which lends itself well do exciting shot types, angles and fast paced cutting. Also due to the fact that everyone in our group is male and it is suitable that the performer of this song is also male. 
And unlike Country/ folk, Cops and Robbers is a Pop genre song which we know that Pop often doesn't use performance sections.

I personally think it is a good song with lots of opportunities for exciting shots, angles, cuts and dance performances. And we have already come up with several ideas for potential narratives.
The song has lots of potential story wise as the theme of 'Cops and Robbers' could suggest dozens of different possible plotlines.
So from here we can now brainstorm possible storyboards and narratives for our music video.

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