Saturday 3 December 2016

Example of My Target Audience

It is important to know when making any form of media intended for the public to know who that audience is.
Back in November I did an Audience Questionnaire to ask where people most commonly consume Popular music which informed me how people stay up to date with the latest songs and videos.

As my Music Video is a Pop Rock song it is most likely to be well received by teenagers and young adults due to this genre and as the lead performer in my video (Myself) is of similar age, it will mean it appeals to this audience type.

It also features multiple time periods which might cause naustauga in older audience members who might personally remember living in those times. The use of time periods might also further encourage younger viewers to watch and enjoy it as it might remind them of very popular shows like Peaky Blinders, Train Spotting and imagery from those times.

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