Tuesday 20 December 2016

Filming Day Overlook: Day 3- Moreton 1970's & 1930's Re-shoots

Today my group and myself re-filmed both the 1970's & 1930's segments that we decided needed redoing.
1970 went very well and I was able to work on the performance and lip syncing a lot (However there are one or two establishing shots we feel could be redone but sadly ran out of time to do them today so we plan to spend only a quick re-visit later on to finally finished this segment.)

However I felt like the 1930 segment could be greatly improved if we tried to re-film the entire section and try to improve the lighting and lip syncing.
This also gave us the opportunity to make a last minute adjustment to the costume by adding large glasses, fashionably similar to one worn by Ronnie Kray, an actual and infamous crime boss.

Overall I think today went very well, the redoing of 1930 was such a good idea as the lighting and costume are both now vastly Superior to their predecessor.  

(Due to the fact today was purely a day of re-shoots, there wasn't anything new that I felt would be needed to show you via Vlogs, it was a ordinary shoot in the same locations as Day 1)

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