Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Green Scene Day

As you may have seen on the project timeline and filming schedule, we intend to do a Green Screen Day. This will be for our dance section and special effect walk we intend to attempt where our protagonist will walk from one end of the screen to the other while transitioning from each time period.

I see this section as being the combination of all the time periods all taken out of their original time period and put together in this blank white world where he performs and dances to the song's musical section. Then when the merging of the time periods is complete it will cut to blank as the song finally finishes (a strong contrast to the white) And then it will seamlessly transition to the Present day, after showing all the criminals of the past we see what he has become today before he walks off camera to continue his roguish life- emphasising the endless conflict the Cops and Robbers will always have.

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